Tax Advantages

Last Minute Tax Changes

Last Minute Tax Changes

While many people were busy with the holidays preparations, on December 20th President Trump signed into law the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act (H.R. 1865), which included several bills. The 715 pages included two major tax bills – the Setting Every Community...

Are Business Meals Deductible?

Are Business Meals Deductible?

In Notice 2018-76 issued in October 2018, the IRS states that client and prospect business meals continue as tax deductions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This is very good news indeed. Under this new IRS guidance, you may deduct 50 percent of your client and...

The Triple-Net Lease Challenge

The Triple-Net Lease Challenge

In December of 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act further extended the benefits of investing in real estate by introducing a new “qualified business income” (QBI) deduction under IRC Section 199A that further reduces net rental real estate income by up to 20%. We have...

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